2018年6月13日 星期三


文/ 高雄場觀眾Illy Chen
惠云與小皮 (頭號粉絲簽三次名)
看了林暉鈞老師文字裡,形容他聽著維多皮凱森(伊果皮凱森的爺爺)的琴音,謙卑說自己是蛞蝓,「漫步偶然抬頭看見大雁飛過」。這引發了我的好奇心: 當我們這些蟻民抬頭,蛞蝓的觸角已是巍然大山時,大雁逆光的翅膀,又是甚麼樣的光景。

在中山大學裡,要去皮凱森的大師班,遇見了也迷路的藝綻的RYAN老師,勁裝、勁車、軍綠色的小提琴盒像是裡面有把槍 (忽然覺得迷路的時候手邊有把樂器,就顯得迷路得非常有氣質)。大師班前幾晚,在廣播聽到林暉鈞老師那樣內斂清楚的思路、緩和謙虛的聲音。如果這場音樂會是一個朝聖,兩位老師就像護法的金剛,加上去音樂館的路那樣蜿蜒,在在為這場音樂會還沒開始,就鋪陳了「山不在高,有仙則名」的氛圍。

聽得見班傑明布瑞頓 像調色盤般的多變情緒;
也聽見雙小提琴的對話裡,撰述著如砌築聖殿般的巴哈;下半場是皮耶佐拉 「布宜諾斯艾利斯的四季」,四季本身已經是很有張力的作曲方向,皮耶佐拉這首有豐富的現代感、穿插韋瓦第(作古很久)的經典樂句,揉和了各種元素的「四季」,由小皮演奏起來更是如魚得水,讓人真如沐春臨夏。


安可曲1,小皮說,台灣夏天非常熱,他要再拉一次四季裡的「冬天」。 其實那天至善廳的冷氣開得特別強,我從來沒有在裡面這麼冷過,不知道是不是有配合北國出生的皮凱森。在幾分鐘裡,我真的覺得室溫又下降了幾度(可以別這樣嗎)。





Teacher Huichun Lin once wrote about listening to Victor Pikayzen’s playing the violin:“If I were a slug walking through the field, then he is the eagle flying over my head.” And this induced my curiosity: How will the view look like, when this slug’s feeler is already a giant mountain to us, the ants?

In Chung-shan University, driving to Igor Pikayzen’s master class, we family bumped into Teacher Ryan. He, with his casual and his violin in an army-green case (it makes like there was a gun in it), got lost, …too. And few days before the day of the master’s class, I also listened to Teacher Huichun Lin’s humble voice on air. If this concert is a temple, then Tr. Lin and Tr. Ryan are the gods of the doors. (Door Gods are very noble to us, really.) They remind me that there is an old saying of us: “the best mountain is not because of its height, but a god lives there.”

In this concert, we could enjoy in B. Britten’s checkered emotions which was like a palette. And we could also visit the holy palace in Bach’s mind through the conversation of 2 violins.

In the other half, Piazzolla’s “Four seasons of Buenos Aires” was played. Composing “Four Seasons” is such a direction with flexible tension and dramatic variability itself. Piazzolla’s FOUR SEASONS contains some modern styles, some classic sentences from Vivaldi’s (he died veeeeery long time ago), and many colorful elements in it. When Igor Pikayzen’s playing it, it’s like when the dolphin’s swimming in the ocean. ( This is another Chinese old saying when we want to describe the feeling of freedom ,I’m not describing the voice of P Jr.’s violin sounds like.) 

Artsblooming Ensemble nicknamed him “P Jr.” in Chinese. P Jr.’s eyes look childish and innocent. It’s some odd, because his skill is so practiced. He lets me think of Piazza del Duomo in Milano. Each one even the tiniest marble was shaped and finely carved before the Duomo stands front of people.

Encore 1:
P Jr. said that it’s too hot in Taiwan’s summer, so he decided to play “WINTER” again. Actually, I felt terribly cold in the concert that evening, I have never been so cold in Chi-Shan hall. (I wondered “Was the air-conditioner here turned to the most powerful for north-born P Jr.?”) In the next few minutes, he was so skilled that the room temperature got lower. (Please don’t do that again.)

Encore 2:
Master P gave us Paganini’s Caprice No.24.
I was so impressed. When he played those fast notes, his bow looked like a white ball on his shoulder. Because of his high accuracy and high precision, we could only see the bow’s blur. (Did you ever see HADOUKEN in the real world? That was it.) In addition, he gave the audiences’ ears joy of music. Every single note could be heard clearly and purely. 

After the concert, I got a METRO PASSCARD as a gift , but I won’t use it. Not only because of the beautiful illustration or Igor’s signature on it, but its weight. It is too heavy, it weighs same as my 10-years-old daughter. Artsblooming Ensemble was born in 2008, same as my daughter, so I can totally understand how precious it is. I can imagine all the efforts they did while I was nursing my baby and taking care of her.

I was so thankful for the elegant concert which Artsblooming Ensemble’s teachers gave us in that evening.

Oh, I remember at the beginning,
I wanted to see the eagle’s wings.

But finally, there’s just one voice in my head:
“Hey, there’s a god, so do worship!”

written by a passionate audience 
from heat Kaohsiung